woman looking into microscope

JATKO works diligently to provide the highest quality products, including the production of customized products, in accordance with all applicable requirements and regulations and to serve our customers’ needs and expectations with professionalism, competence, and the highest degree of ethical and quality standards.

To accomplish this objective, we’ve developed and implemented a Quality Assurance Program that includes instructions for preparation and review of written procedures, training, monitoring of all activities concerned with the control of operations and materials, conducting examinations and tests, calibration services, calibration of measurement and equipment, periodic audit of the overall Quality Assurance Program, corrective action, retention of essential records, preparation of tests and examination reports and the purchasing of materials and services to be able to perform all of the above activities.

Our program guides all we do in regard to testing, examinations, calibration, applications testing, and machine services performed to the requirements of the Codes and Standards, Specifications or Regulations upheld by JATKO. We uphold the standards and specifications of ISO 9000, ASME, ASTM, and AATCC, and meet or exceed the applicable requirements of these standards and/or specifications.

woman looking at a beaker JATKO